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Along its ridges it is possible to admire breathtaking views and nature rich in biodiversity in a healthy environment where you can taste high quality specialties. Monterenzio, moreover, will immerse you in the cultural / historical aspects that have crossed these valleys over the centuries.

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Mountains, Celts and a bee-friendly valley

Monterenzio, a vast, almost totally mountainous territory on the Bolognese Apennines. Enchanting landscapes in a rich and luxuriant nature with an agriculture that boasts over 70% organic is a crossroads of countless historical events starting from a very important Celtic settlement: Monte Bibele.

Of Etruscan foundation for a series of events, starting from a fire in the inhabited area, for all these centuries it has preserved an amazing ecological heritage that can be visited in the “Luigi Fantini” museum in Monterenzio.

The almost totally organic agriculture of these lands has favored such a botanical variability that the Apoidea (this is the name of the superfamily of bees) thrive here, reproducing and nesting. safeguarding biodiversity and increasing the populations of the bees.

The "Bee Valley Idice" in a nutshell ...

  • The municipality of Monterenzio is the seat of CONAPI Soc. Coop. Agricola the largest consortium of beekeepers in Italy

  • The municipalities involved in the project are, besides Monterenzio: Monghidoro, Ozzano Emilia, San Lazzaro di Savena, Pianoro and Loiano

  • The aim of the project is to map the populations of Apoidea, to create areas suitable for reproduction with a vegetation of nectar plants with scalar flowering that offer them the possibility of feeding for long periods and structures suitable for nesting.

A great project for bees

To the scientific / environmental aims of the project was added that of creating an educational educational path along the valley to spread environmental and ecological knowledge. Visit points will be set up with explanatory panels and events with entomologists will be organized. The project therefore has environmental (defending biodiversity and pollination), didactic / informative and promotional purposes of the territory, it is in fact foreseen the creation of a cycle path that could become "The road of the Bees"!

The magic of Monte Bibele

If you love history and want to discover the mysterious and fascinating Celtic past of the mountain a stone's throw from the city, the archaeological area of Monte Bibele is your destination and, with the guidance of an archaeologist, it will become an unforgettable experience. Visiting this open-air museum will be like walking through history, among reconstructed and visitable and precious buildings  evidence and artifacts with which to touch the history of centuries and millennia ago.

Monterenzio is your destination? Come and visit us!

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Ospitalità & ristorazione


Info & contatti

Top experiences @Monterenzio

Apicoltore In possesso di un nido d'ape

La Bee Valley

Parti alla scoperta di una terra speciale tra agricoltura biologica, biodiversità, tante api e un territorio da vivere in modo nuovo


Via del Fantini

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Monte Bibele

Natura e storia si fondono in un suggestivo percorso alla scoperta del nostro affascinante passato

evento all'aperto

Eventi a Monterenzio

Che programmi avete per questi giorni? Monterenzio vi aspetta con eventi ed appuntamenti.

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Appennino Bolognese

Scopri la pagina dedicata a Monghidoro sul sito di informazione turistica dell'Appennino Bolognese!

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Borgate da scoprire

Una passeggiata a Cà del Vento e Sassuno, tra calanchi, storie e storia curiosa


Linea Gotica

Parco Eolico

storia e memoria si intrecciano nei luoghi che videro il passato correre nelle valli e foreste.

Una giornata singolare da trascorrere in visita tra i crinali di Monterenzio

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