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The famous "Futa" Route will take you one step away from the celestial vault, among pine forests that seem to have come out of a documentary, trails that will make mountain bike enthusiasts turn heads and the Astronomical Observatory with its theme park. Come and discover the lands of Loiano.


From galaxies to majestic conifers

Leaving Monghidoro and continuing along the Futa road, famous for the historic 1000 Miglia race, and a paradise for motorcycle enthusiasts, we reach Loiano, a real paradise for two-wheel enthusiasts (and not only). Many possibilities of paths and trails, for all types of training, will make the eyes of those looking for pure fun shine: they range from the most historic ones that even follow the route of the Gothic Line, shortly fun and varied, suitable for the less experienced, to the almost "lunar" ones: very fast, natural toboggan and very technical stony ground. But if you are not skilled on wheels, no problem! You will find many other opportunities such as stargazing in the historic Astronomical Observatory of the National Institute of Astrophysics.

Loiano is the ideal destination for you if ...

  • Your ideal vacation and leisure time rhymes with "trail" and "mountain bike".

  • Looking at the stars you start to fantasize and ask yourself questions about the universe and galaxies and, why not, you would like to see more clearly.

  • You are hunting for the perfect sunset, the one that colors the fields and mountains and the walls of the ancient parish churches of the stone villages.

Land of villages

The beauty of the Loiano area will show itself to your eyes in the landscapes with an almost northern European flavor and in its picturesque villages, small stone gems set in our landscapes cut by woods and mountains.

One of these is the village of Anconella, dating back to the 16th century, or Barbarolo, whose first testimonies date back to the 9th century, ideal destinations if you love to get lost in the small town streets, in search of the most picturesque views or curious artistic and cultural.

A curiosity about Loiano ...

In the nearby, elegant Palazzo Loup, a noble residence of the 18th century, Pope Pius VII lived on May 5, 1805 on his return from Paris where he had witnessed the coronation of the Emperor Napoleon; the same villa, on 28 September 1858, hosted the Scanello Convention in which the abolition of customs and the adoption of the single currency between the Savoy State and those of central Italy were discussed.   

Loiano is your destination? Come and visit us!

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Ospitalità & ristorazione


Info & contatti

Top experiences@ Loiano:

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BOM.B.A. il paradiso delle 2 ruote!

Scopri BOM.B.A., il comprensorio della Mountain Bike targata Appennino Bolognese che nelle pinete di Loiano propone alcuni dei trail più sensazionali.


Bologna Montana Art Trail

100 km di bellezza, di natura, di land art e di meraviglia di cui innamorarsi a piedi, in sella o... a cavallo.

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Toccare il cielo con un dito

Verso l'infinito...e Loiano per passione, chi per scienza (o fantascienza!), che meraviglia il cielo!

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Dalla pala d’altare del Calvaert agli affreschi attribuiti alla scuola del Reni, ecco i nostri tesori di arte sacra.

Tracce d'arte

Che programmi avete per questi giorni? Loiano vi aspetta con eventi ed appuntamenti.

Eventi a Loiano

Luoghi da scoprire

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Acque e foreste

Cosa c'è di più suggestivo di una cascata nel bosco? Un luogo incantato in ogni stagione!

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Antichi alberi

Antichi alberi solenni si slanciano cullati dalle dolci melodie del vento. Scopri gli alberi secolari

Un giardino incantato

Appennino Bolognese

Scopri la pagina dedicata a Loiano sul sito di informazione turistica dell'Appennino Bolognese!

Un trionfo di colori e profumi, un "giardino segreto" unico nel suo genere nelle terre di BOM

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